The Export-Import Bank of China and the Agricultural Bank of China have both signed cooperation framework agreements with the AfDB to cooperate on infrastructure project financing and the development of small and medium-sized enterprises. 中国进出口银行、农业银行等分别与非洲开发银行签订了合作框架协议,就基础项目融资、中小企业发展等问题开展合作。
These four institutions will add to the considerable financial firepower of the China Development Bank and the Export-Import Bank of China. 这四个机构将使中国国家开发银行(ChinaDevelopmentBank)和中国进出口银行(Export-ImportBankofChina)本已相当可观的财务火力如虎添翼。
Now the US is in danger of inflicting more damage on itself by shutting down its Export-Import Bank. 如今,美国却面临因关闭其进出口银行(Export-ImportBank)而进一步损及自身的危险。
Ms Raskin also discussed the issue of China's development banks providing cheap credit to Chinese exporters, which the US fears will crowd out its own Export-Import Bank and the US exporters it supports. 拉斯金还提到了中国多家开发银行为中国出口商提供廉价信贷的问题。美国担心,中国这么做,会将美国自身的进出口银行(Export-ImportBank)及其支持的美国出口商挤出市场。
I.The National Development and Reform Commission and the Export-Import Bank of China will jointly set up a credit support mechanism for overseas investments. 国家发展改革委和中国进出口银行共同建立境外投资信贷支持机制。
The Export-Import Bank is an instrumentality of the government. 进出口银行是政府的一个执行机构。
This is particularly grateful to the China Development Bank and Export-Import Bank of China. 这得特别感谢中国国家开发银行和中国进出口银行。
If the issuing bank does not pay the draft, the negotiating bank has recourse to the beneficiary. "Reimbursement Bank: The Export-Import Bank of China, Head Office, Beijing" 开证行若不付款,议付行可向受益人行使追索权。议付行:中国进出口银行总行营业部
Fred P.Hochberg – Chairman and President, Export-Import Bank of the United States. 霍奇博格,美国进出口银行主席。
Export-Import bank, it lacked an economic dimension. 除了进出口银行,它缺乏经济方面的内容。
The Export-Import Bank extends long-term loans at favorable rate to foreign buyers, thus financing the purchase of US goods and services. 进出口银行向国外购买者以优惠利率扩展长期贷款,从而为他们购买美国的商品和服务提供资金。
"Our bank supports Chinese companies with competitive advantages to go abroad," noted Yang Jianhua, vice president of Export-Import Bank of China, Chengdu Branch. 中国进出口银行成都分行副行长杨剑华表示,中国进出口银行支持有竞争优势的中国企业开展对外投资。
In January, mwss, a state water agency in the Philippines, switched its borrowing to the China Export-Import Bank from the ADB on the grounds that the Chinese were offering cheaper rates and faster approval. 今年1月,菲律宾国家水务机构mwss放弃亚行,转而向中国进出口银行(chinaexport-importbank)贷款,理由是中方银行提供的贷款利率更低,审批过程也更快。
The only company performances seems to be special relations with Chinese companies: zte, equipment provider, China unicom, telecommunications operator providing also consulting for commercial launch and China Export-Import bank, offering a us$ 130 million loan. 与该公司相关的有几家中国公司:中兴,设备供应商;中国联通,电信运营商,提供商业服务的推出和咨询服务;中国进出口银行,提供了13亿美元的贷款。
He said the Export-Import Bank has more than doubled its loans to American exporters since last year, with many of those loans going to smaller businesses. 他表示,自去年以来,出口进口银行向美国出口企业的贷款已经翻倍,许多贷款分配给小型企业。
The representative sits as a member of the board of the Export-Import Bank and the Overseas Private Investment Corporation. 代表作为进出口银行和海外私人投资公司的成员。
Without a front counter, the China Export-Import Bank looks little like a financial institution. 没有对一般大众的柜台作业,中国输出入银行「看起来」不像银行。
"Reimbursement Bank: The Export-Import Bank of China, Head Office, Beijing" 议付行:中国进出口银行总行营业部
However, with deep pockets, Chinese policy banks such as China Development Bank and China Export-Import Bank have offered billions of dollars of concessional loans for new power stations in Vietnam. 然而,中国一些财大气粗的政策性银行,比如中国国家开发银行(CDB)和中国进出口银行(ChinaExport-ImportBank),为在越南新建发电站提供了巨额优惠贷款。
Mr Zients has been a proponent of creating a superministry, to take in trade and business promotion as well as the Export-Import Bank, an initiative that was initially sidelined by opposition in Congress. 齐安兹一直支持创建一个“大部”,职责是促进贸易和商业,并管理进出口银行(export-importbank),这个提议此前因国会阻扰而被搁置。
The Export-Import Bank of China Is Changing to Meet the New Situation 中国进出口银行因势而变
Combine foreign experience, propose developing and perfecting the countermeasure and suggestion of the Export-import Bank of China according to the concrete conditions of our country. 最后结合发达国家经验,根据我国具体情况提出了发展和完善我国进出口银行对出口增长支持体系的对策建议。
A Study on the Support of the Export-import Bank of China to Exportation 中国进出口银行对出口的支持研究
Beginning with the financing reformation in 1994, the Export-import Bank of China has taken the task of financing the export of machinery and electronic products and whole-set facilities. 1994年在我国金融体制改革的大背景下,诞生了三家政策性银行,其中之一的中国进出口银行担负起为扩大我国机电产品和成套设备出口提供政策性金融服务的重任。
With the development of economy, the three policy banks in China, China Development Bank, Export-Import Bank of China and Agricultural Development Bank of China are nowadays faced with the problem of transition and restructuring. 随着时代的发展,国内的三大政策性银行国家开发银行、中国进出口银行和中国农业发展银行均面临着转型和改制的难题。
The national financial work conference has indicated definitely that, China Development Bank, The Export-Import Bank of China, Agricultural Development Bank of China must push forward reform under the principle 'One Bank, One Policy'. 中央经济工作会议已明确提出,未来国家开发银行、中国进出口银行和中国农业发展银行要按照一行一策的原则逐步进行改革。
Since the Export-Import Bank of Japan established the first foreign bank representative office in Beijing at December in 1979, the China banking industry has gradually quicken the pace of its opening up, and foreign banks 'development in China has also gradually deepened. 自1979年12月日本输出入银行在北京设立第一家外资银行代表处起,我国银行业开放的步伐逐步加快,外资银行在我国的发展也逐步深入。
Over the past 10-odd years, as a policy bank, Export-Import Bank has been playing an active role in the rapid development of export credit, and enhance the international competitiveness of our exports. 十几年来,进出口银行积极发挥政策性银行的职能作用,使我国出口信贷整体都呈现出突飞猛进的发展势头,增强了我国出口的国际竞争力。